Monday, January 31, 2011

Myy Bruvahsss..!!

KILL..!! NO HOMO buhh i got madd lovee for these two dudess ritee here..!! Theyy alwayss there when i need them && i will be there when theyy need me..!! I know no matter what i can count on them..!! We have our upss && downss but i mean what bruvahss dont..?? We mitee piss each other off one day but the next yhuee will definitly see us laughing together..!!  Yeah i get on vic nerves all the time but i do that on purpose just because..!! Yeah tyrone get on both our nerves because he's the youngest but at thaa end ov the day we still bruvahss no matter what..!!

1 comment:

  1. Great start! I LOVE this post :)

    Remember the blogging rules and guidelines: try your best to use correct spelling and grammar. Go back and add capitalization and correct punctuation where needed. Your sentences are running together and can make this hard for others in the world to read.
